Executive Coach India | CEO Coach | CXO Coach | Leadership Coach | Dr. Vandana Sha
How are you experiencing your relationships going on at work? When was the Last time you ever felt that if you speak your heart and tell the person what you really think, will end the relationship? Or you just stopped yourself from saying for the sake of not losing the person or the relationship? Perhaps you really told them and that ended the relationship. If you experience these feelings, you are not alone.
Organizations are built by their employees and when employees love what they do in their profession, the role assigned is just a title for them, they are truly driven by their passion. Such employees become extraordinarily successful as they are independent, their manager does not invest much time in monitoring their work, they are self-starters, highly motivated, risk-takers, they love taking challenges and new assignments, bigger responsibilities.
Our Actions display our beliefs, the way we see our world (the perceptions), and the way our world sees us. Adapt to a language; Logos (Agility), Ethos (Authenticity), and Pathos (Empathy) and be Loved, respected, and remembered as a Leader.
When Bengal’s beloved Mithun da, or actor-politician Mithun Chakraborty likened himself to a cobra last Sunday, he wasn’t kidding. The Disco King had, after all, slithered his way from the extreme Left in his youth to a Rajya Sabha membership on an All India Trinamool Congress ticket; his final chhobol (Bengali, for snakebite) was joining the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) ahead of the upcoming West Bengal state election
American Author, John C. Maxwell definition of A Leader – “One Who KNOWS the way, GOES the way, and SHOWS the way”.
A businessman. A Corporate Honcho. A coach. A teacher. A volunteer coordinator. A parent. Whether you are one of these things or all these things, one thing remains true: You are a leader. But where are you on your leadership journey, and where do you go from here?
The first step toward becoming a leader is learning to lead yourself. We are so habitual to searching for people or things to blame for the way we feel.
You are bright. You have good ideas, insights, and the ambition to take on more. But you are not getting the opportunities you want, and your manager has not been helpful.
What would make you so important that you are indispensable to your company?
These 9 steps will make you get noticed; become indispensable to your company
You are bright. You have good ideas, insights, and the ambition to take on more. But you are not getting the opportunities you want, and your manager has not been helpful.
What would make you so important that you are indispensable to your company?
These 9 steps will make you get noticed; become indispensable to your company
Father of early modern medicines, IBN SINA was a Persian Polymath. He was regarded as one of the most significant physicians, astronomers, thinker, and writer of his time.
The World Health Organization defines mental health as:
“ … a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community “
Planning is key to success, if you do not have a plan for your life then you will just end up falling into someone else’s plan and your life will not amount to much but mediocrity. What is the future of work in America in the new era of automation, digitization and artificial intelligence? Now is the time to Plan and Prepare yourself in times of change.
There comes a time when employee switch job and joins rival company, just the way Jyotiraditya Scindia made a switch from Congress to BJP.
1) What should be the strategy while switching to a rival firm?
2) What do you think promotes such a switch?
3) What about restrictive clauses and gardening period?
4) What should the company which is losing its key talent do in such cases?
5) Any preventive measures to avoid such an incident?
Get the tips and inspiration from the article quotes by Vandana Shah
Gone are days when chief executive officer (CEOs) enjoyed their stature and had lesser tension. These days, CEOs are on toes and work beyond their limit to achieve organisational goals.
Research shows that between 35% and 50% of all CEOs are replaced within five years and this is a costly proposition for any organisation. Hence, an organisation would not trade to lose its leader until the leader is purely inefficient.
Excited to give feedback about the recent seminar you attended or performance review of your subordinate? The process of giving and receiving feedback is a part of our daily routine. Knowingly or unknowingly, we keep giving and receiving feedback about various activities happening around us. Feedback in any organisation is crucial for the growth of subordinates. And so is for superiors. Feedback is nothing but the transmission of information about any internal activities or business processes through one’s own experience.
Do read my column on how Experiential Learning can help employees throughout the organisation
Financial capital is considered the most critical aspect of any company. Top-level executives keep discussing how to increase capital and draw maximum profitability. However, financial capital is not the company’s most scarce resource. In fact, it is relatively easily available and still cheap. As per Bain’s Macro Trends Group, global supply of capital stands at around 10 times global GDP. Hence, the demand for investment in projects and R&D is considerably low than the most scare resource — human capital.
A study conducted by Manchester Inc.On the impact of executive coaching showed an average return on investment of 5.7 times the initial investment.
Among the benefits to the companies, it was found that productivity of employees increased by 53% and quality by 48%. The employees were able to reduce customer complaints by 34% and reduced cost by 23%. The bottom-line profitaility increased by 22%.
Staying positive with superiors and subordinates can help earn goodwill and increase productivity
“Leaders become great, not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower others.”
The quote by the famous author John Maxwell says a lot about the core leadership quality that a person should possess in order to be a successful leader.
Read my full article by clicking below.
Blind hiring, a process to judge and hire a candidate based solely on his skills, gives no importance to one’s personal information.
Blind hiring, a process to judge and hire a candidate based solely on his skills, gives no importance to one’s personal information.
Leaving a successful corporate job for starting an altogether different venture is not easy, but some dream big.
Retail is one of the most dynamic and lucrative industries. The modern face of Indian retail attracts several young professionals giving them opportunities to learn business strategies, management and revenue earning tips. On the other hand, the experts, of the industry work out on new innovative ideas to develop and enhance profitability of the retail industry further. Hence, this ever-budding industry offer good career growth for all who want to earn name, fame and money.
Manpower is the backbone of any organisation. The Success and growth of a company majorly depends on its manpower. So, what is manpower? Manpower is basically the workforce of the organisation at different levels in different departments. No company can grow and develop if its manpower or employees do not work efficiently. So, selection, placement and motivation of manpower are amust for any organisation to stand against the tough competition in the market and perform at par excellence.
Retail Industry has grown phenomenally over a decade. The sector is contributing majorly in the country’s GDP and in coming years it is yet to be seen reaching new scales. The potential of Retail Industry remained under covers for long till the key players took a big leap transforming it into one of the most paying as well as challenging job arena. Though the growth of Retail Sector is more prominent in metro cities, smaller cities and towns are also coming up with different developmental plans. These plans are giving new scope to retail sector to beam up with growth of these regions.
As Mahendra Singh Dhoni leads India into the Cricket World Cup quarter-finals with six wins – after a dismal showing in the preceding Australia tri-series – the guide invites experts to decode captain cool”s qualities that can serve as leadership lessons.
The leaders are the ones who pave path for others to follow. Organisational leaders, are the ones who manage diversity, build cross-functional relationships, determine the work flow, make decisions and take great deal of risks. They are meant to entrepreneurial and at the same time blend well with others to work towards common goal. Thus, a higher sense of responsibility lies on their shoulders as they develop organisational culture and stimulate growth.
Born as humans, we all have an innate desire to excel in life and become successful human beings, we build several strategies and action plans to achieve our goals in life. Sometimes our approach to attain the goal works and at other times, success eludes us and the barriers act as immovable roadblocks. Lack of proper guidance, strategy and repeated efforts in the wrong direction can leave us devastated in our endeavour to achieve what we aim for.
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