Executive Coach India | CEO Coach | CXO Coach | Leadership Coach | Dr. Vandana Sha

All posts by: vandanasha

by in Business Coaching

Ask These Questions before Hiring Your Business Excellence Coach

Ask These Questions before Hiring Your Business Excellence Coach Once in the history, Business Coach was reticence solely for executives whose organization falls in thousands of dollars per hour business to train their executives becoming leader. But now, history has changed business coaches have propagated to small enterprise or mid-size business to train their professionals […]

by in Corporate Training

What are Best Corporate Coaching Factors?

What are Best Corporate Coaching Factors? Corporate Coaching and Training are now readily recognized tools for increasing productivity of an employee and team. More and more organizations are now investing considerate amount to provide coaching and corporate trainings to their employees. Several workshops and motivational seminars are also organized by the companies as a tool to boost […]

by in Business Coaching, Executive Coaching

How Performance Coaching Can Help to Improve Your Business Career?

Have you ever been in a situation when you felt your efforts and dedication have been overlooked while evaluating your performance? This is a very common issue which most of us face in our career growth. Every year many of us meet huge disappointment during appraisal cycle when our KRAs (Key Result Area) do not meet the main KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). So, is it that every time one fails, it’s because that one is inefficient, unskilled or not talented? Well, it could be yes in some cases but not in all and if not all, then in which aspect one is lacking in achieving the expected outcome or result?

by in Business Coaching, Executive Coaching

How Coaching Can Help in Professional & Personal Growth?

Till few decades back we never realized the importance of personality development, anger management or stress management. Back in those days, we never thought these programs held any importance and was convinced these were just required by few of people who couldn’t cope with organizational standards and stress. However not long, we got to understand their importance and we started taking advantage of these programs at different stages of our lives….

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