Executive Coach India | CEO Coach | CXO Coach | Leadership Coach | Dr. Vandana Sha

All posts by: vandanasha

by in Executive Coaching

How Executive Coaching Promises Sparkling Benefits for Your Career & Your Team?

How Executive Coaching Promises Sparkling Benefits for Your Career & Your Team? Executive coaching helps business managers, leaders as well as their teams to improve overall career prospects. Executive coaching makes it possible to improve career goals, development of soft skills, emotional quotient, and strong communication abilities. Through careful analysis of existing abilities, executive coaching offers the following […]

by in Executive Coaching

How Hiring an Executive Coach Can Change Your Life?

How Hiring an Executive Coach Can Change Your Life? Excellence in career is something that every aspiring executive wish for during his stint with corporate entities. And corporate organizations too, benefit from excellent performances of its executives and work force in the long and short term. Executive coaching is an important aspect of improving workforce performance and […]

by in Executive Coaching

When an Executive Coach identifies his coachee isn’t in a right role in the organization

When an Executive Coach identifies his coachee isn’t in a right role in the organization Executive coaching has been beneficial to millions of businesses around the globe. A professional executive coach aims at developing different skills that helpan individual in the organizational framework to adapt to changes, tackle complex challenges, build sustainable teams and excel […]

by in Business Coaching

Difference Between a Business Coach and Business Consultant

Difference Between a Business Coach and Business Consultant BUSINESS COACH AND BUSINESS CONSULTANT For any business, at any growth stage, these both roles are needed. And, when I’m saying that they both are needed, it means there are certain differences between these roles. Yes. A business coach and a business consultant are two different persons having different skill sets. […]

by in Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching VS Mentoring

Executive Coaching VS Mentoring What is an executive made off? A soul with a foresight? A continuously learning human machine? A benchmark of emotional intelligence? The spearhead of personal and organisational developments? A strategic thinker? An informed decision maker? Technically, an executive is all of them in a single entity. I bet, there are many […]

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