Executive Coach India | CEO Coach | CXO Coach | Leadership Coach | Dr. Vandana Sha

All posts by: vandanasha

by in Motivational Coaching

Motivational Coaching

Motivational Coaching What Is Motivational Coaching? Do you wish to make changes in your life? Need help in setting and achieving your goals? How about having someone who could listen and support you? A motivational coach can help you in your process of change. A motivational coach can help motivate you in making changes in […]

by in Executive Coaching

How to Improve your Leadership Skills through Executive Coaching?

How to Improve your Leadership Skills through Executive Coaching? During the professional journey towards success, a leader or a manager often starts questioning his ability to lead and motivate the team working under him. This is a result of several dynamic factors out of his/her control and sometimes even personal inhibitions that make him/her ineffective […]

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